Back to School
😎Welcome Back John Adams High School😎
Please remember that your attendance at school is super important. Attendance is the single largest predictor of student success. We look forward to welcoming you for the first day of school Thursday September 4, 2024. Doors open at 7:30am and first period starts at 8:15am. Please do not be late, the earlier you arrive the smoother your morning entry to the building will be.
Schedules and metro cards will be distributed on the way into the building tomorrow morning. Metro Cards and ID cards will also be distributed during lunch periods the first two weeks of school. We will be taking ID photos in the attendance office over the first two weeks of school (room 104) if your photo has not yet been taken.
If you do not yet have an ID card please have your OSIS (student ID number) ready to type in at the scanning station. We will be taking ID photos in the attendance office (room 104) if your photo has not yet been taken,
When walking/waiting for scanning, please make sure to empty your pockets. Belts are to come off, laptops/iPads should be out of bags and ID cards should be presented and used.
Looking forward to seeing you all in school Thursday!